When you get stuck along Beach Road, better take the Middle Road. This is a website for those who choose to tread Saipan's off the beaten path. * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * +

Dec 31, 2009

Giving Up Means Taking Charge

Awww. Aint life so sweet? Yes, especially on NMC (Northern Marianas College's) part as recently elected Board of Regents chair Janet King expressed her intention to give up her Law practice until April 2010 to secure her position up and tight.

Wow. Is that community service or what? NMC's BOR has always been fascinating and intriguing that makes one spectator in the meeting shrug in amusement.

Congratulations to Ms. King and former chair Cepeda for being reconfirmed.

Here's the entire news about it on Saipan Tribune.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Board of Regents for having selected Ms. King as Chair. They should now look deep and close to what actually happenned at NMC and, if I may suggest, bring Dr. Debre Tudela-Cabrera back and as NMC President.

Anonymous said...

Ms. King will be a breath of fresh air for the college. God knows its badly needed.

jobz r us said...

Perhaps somebody wants to be President over there. The concerted efforts by the local media to hype dissatisfaction from some at NMC has it's basis somewhere and my guess is someone is wrangling behind the scenes to get into that Prez job.

Now who owns that Variety? Whose pal wants that job?

Anonymous said...

Cepeda has no business on the Board of Regents. He doesn't even have a college degree himself.

Anonymous said...

Why is Elaine Orilla such a blind follower of Charles? No brains or what? Stupid is as stupid does?

Anonymous said...

As usual, you idiots got it wrong. Janet King doesn't have to give up her law practice. CNMI journalism at its finest. Try checking your facts before publishing this tripe.

Anonymous said...

Why is a person without a degree even on a college Board of Regents anyway? If this were in Arizona where I am from, he'd be a joke.

Were the Senators blind, deaf or dumb?

So a degree-less high school graduate manager of an alcohol promoting company is going to be setting policy for our college students? Holy Lite Beer Batman!

Anonymous said...

Jeff, college kids love beer...remember?

Anonymous said...

Ms. King should have completed her contract with the Public Defenders Office. Nothing like a bit of humbleness to round out your education and help one keep a social conscience.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

"Nothing like a bit of humbleness..." Must be a a Charles supporter. You mean humility?

Wait a minute.... 3 other regents voted for her and not Charles. Why? Lack of confidence in him like they lack with Carmen?

As for Noni 11:18... hmmmm.. ask yourself whom is Carmie hanging out with these days? Ray's big bro Santiago? Well ain't that grand--- Uncle Ben wouldn't be too thrilled.... so Carmie's gone blue instead of Green. Let her BE gone!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Janet. The board of regents, Charles and Elain included, need to determine where the college needs to go for the next 10 years and approve and implement policies that will take them there.

Carmen has created an atmosphere of fear and retaliation at NMC. She's past her usefulness. Debra Cabrera will make an excellent choice for president.

NMC needs to be about students, our community and our economy. Carmen will not get us there no matter how much she tries or how nice she is.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the second time Janice Tenorio got fired from NMC? Why do they keep bringing her back? Something is wrong here. No wonder why NMC is constantly screwing up!

What is the big deal about letting Sam go? The dude is pre-historic! He gotta go! We need new people at NMC. Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

Most institutions of higher learning attempt to hold on to their long time professors.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, most institution hold on to their long time professor, but NOT THE SENIAL ONES!! Sam is already SENIAL! Just try talking to the old fart.

Anonymous said...

I predict that Carmen Fernandez will be FIRED WITHIN THIS MONTH!!


Anonymous said...

Leave your name and I'll bet you.

Anonymous said...

My name is Charles Cepeda and I bet you $1K if you leave yours!

g00$e said...

Interesting that the Board finds uneducated oafs perfectly acceptable Alpha Regents but balks at attorneys.

Senial? Pretty clear why conversing with MacFeeters would be a struggle for you.

Conversations with Carmen or Tee can be downright bizarre.

Anonymous said...

Whether it is Senial or Senile, who gives a shit? You got the message, didn't you? Sam is still an old fart and has to go.

Why is it that when a white boy/cunt comes to our island he/she expects us to keep him/her forever? Another old hag that is about to go is that stinky ruth tighe! Gosh, she is fucken ugggggllllllyyyyy!!!!

But seriously, Sam is losing it. I attended one of his classes and noticed that the old fart is dellusional!

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least Ruth is not earning anything for her senile output.

In fact, her opinion column has been quite entertaining for years, jumping to conclusions based on obviously false or made-up facts.

Just like good old Harry Blalock, who did get paid for his unsubstantiated rants, which is why he was let go.

Everyone admits that Sam McPhetres is an engaging and pleasant fellow, beloved and appreciated by student and community alike.

But when your work output falls below a certain level, it's time to go. Like Tim Connors, the CUC attorney. There are too many people hanging onto a government paycheck because it is perceived as a given that one needn't work to hard in a CNMI government job if one isn't able or inclined to do so.

This has to stop. Regardless of which side of political party connections the soon-to-be senile "workers" are close to.

There is a good reason the government is not supposed to talk about personnel matters. Let them retire quietly and with dignity, and not insist on knowing all the private details or making up conspiracy theories for one's own fun and games.

Anonymous said...

Interesting.. goverment workers are back to work today and back on the computers. I love three day weekends.... it is so quiet.

Anonymous said...

"senial" ...hope you don't teach any classes.

At least stay away from my kids you monkey.

Time Warp said...

Looks like there may be more than government workers taking time they owe their employers to blog here.

How many are stealing time from the College? From your private company? From a government agency?

That's the real reason we're anonymous, right?


A bit more on topic, yes, Sam is becoming senile but like most members of an Old Boy Network, he wants to stay in power as long as possible. Throw him out. Get some new blood in there.

When the bird dog can no longer produce, his owner stops feeding him.

g00$e said...

Dellusional? I thinks it's spelled 'Delluyional'.

You should attend a Bored of Reyents' meeting- Senially delluyional.

And hey... Let It Be with the Old Bird Dogs OK?

Angelo Villagomez said...

If NMC were a four year school Sam would have been tenured years ago. Higher eductation isn't like basketball; you don't get replaced because you get old. Many professors teach into their eighties and beyond. Professors are supposed to be old; with age comes experience. They are supposed to teach students about life. And Sam taught PoliSci, not exactly mathematics.

Anonymous said...

Sam should be a tenured historian at NMC. His opinions are important and his knowledge of much history here is unmatched.

Anonymous said...

Plus, he is an indiviual that really cares about this place.

Anonymous said...

Sam is a dirty old man...he likes to surround heself with many chickas.

Anonymous said...

I think we all understand why personnel matters are not an appropriate subject of public commentary.

Alice said...

Sam is not a historian, he is a rabid apologist for the far left. He teaches a heavily slanted version of reality but pushes it as gospel on his less than sophisticated undergraduates.

Off with his head.

g00$e said...

Thankfully we got Fox News to protect our youth against evil ol' Sam, so not to worry.

But what is formal education if not a bunch of opinionated folks pushing their heavily slanted views of reality on impressionable young minds?

On a more fundamental level- Whoa... Reality? Here on Saipan? Say it ain't so Alice, say it ain't so.

Anonymous said...


WHY is it that these reporters always revert back to NMC when there is nothing to report?

How many robberies happened over Christmas? How many violent crimes happened in the last year? Follow up on that shit. Light up your fuckin sherlock holmes pipe and help/pressure the law enforcement/judicial agencies to DO SOMETHING about it pronto!

I would like to give two shits about BOR, King, Fernandez, Lee, and NMC but right now, Idon't give a flying FUCK that the media is bending over or this kind of front page coverage.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, fuck them all! Just fuck them!!!

Anonymous said...

I always hear good things about NMC CREES! Please don't fuck that up.

Anonymous said...

Q: Why did the NMC student cross the road?

A: To get six credits

Anonymous said...

Our NMC students at work on the NMC computers. Boy, what a future we/they have to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Carmen Fernandez: "Don't like your grade? Tell it to the Prez." A cold beer and a quickie will get you everywhere. Sez the Korean guy.

the teacher said...

WASC should consider action against NMC.

For any lacking US HR experience, a strict criteria must be in place and used to govern hiring and firing practces.

Sam and the other teachers were all over 50 except 1, and he was over 40, they are all white, and they are all male.

Their suit should say that the college has recently developed a pattern to not renew contracts, or effectively fire, longtime instructors in good standing based on no other criteria and should be found guilty of discrimination based on race, age, and gender and liable for damages. That will put the ball in the college court to prove that they haven't, which they can't, because they are.

Anonymous said...

White is not right at NMC.

They Move Quickly! said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Janet King!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Carmen had affairs. That is her way of controlling Bored of Regents. Janice King don't like fat whores like Carmen.

Anonymous said...

Carmen Fernando did not supported BE.

Anonymous said...

Alice must have flunked Sam's class.

Anonymous said...

Alice must have flunked Sam's class.

Translate: saipanmiddleroad.blogspot.com


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