Hundreds showed up in today's general membership meeting of the newly formed Coalition of United Guest Workers (CNMI) at the Garapan Central Park. But they said the word "Guest" will soon be deleted from the group's name, in light of federalization.
The gathering was festive -- lots of Bangladeshis, Chinese, Filipinos and local supporters, free food, free entertainment (live bands, dances). The group now has a formal set of officers led by Irene Tantiado. Jerry Custodio of the Human Dignity Movement is also among the officers.
The guest speaker, Guam-based businessman and senatorial bet Alfredo Antolin's message was that of "patience." He said one year after Bush signs the measure this month and the CNMI immigration will be federalized.
Dekada leaders did not show up, although the coalition has been trying to reach out to them for the sake of real unity -- the same that was shown during December's historic unity march. Maybe in a few days or weeks, we will see one solid group of guest workers in the CNMI.
1 – 200 of 383 Newer› Newest»I was supposed to be there, but I was sick this morning.
I was invited by Irene. I owe her and the group an apology for not showing up.
Dekada nows no one wants Steve or Malou or Boni to be united group leaders. They never attracted Chinese and they always asking for fees for the lawyer. The dekada wants to cling around Tina for support but Tina to smart to carry them around all the time. The NMI residency dekada group had rally this weekend to and advertised Tina would be there...but she was not and there claim of 500 group only had 25. It looks like Malou is the real deviser.
Irene has drafted a group united and Jerry is a very hard worker. They had MORE CHinese than Filipinos and the petition now has over 5000 signatures. There were over 1000 in attendance including all nationalities. We are so proud of you guys. They had food and 2 bands played...great!
PS and we would love for you to come next time Angelo and we are HUGE supporters of PEWS...please stay the course.
it is true that the dekada does not speak for anyone except a few wanting to get something
the united group will last here and the have solid foundation of people who support them
MALOU is the real devider here and Boni cut deal for himself so Deanne won't deport to him.
Thanks Rev, we now you are a friend
PEWS is Anglos program for park in the Northern Islands
we are the real group and the dekada will fight to show that we are da leaders
Can anyone explain why workers here would not unite?
Is it money or power that the different sects seek?
Please explain.
Im a guestworker with US children my employer did not renewed my contract and my 30 days extension in labor is almost ended,I wanna ask Irene,Gerry C. and Coalition Group "What relief that you can extend to us guestworkers affected by this law PL 15-108"? Since part of your objectives is "to protect guestworkers".........
Congradulations Irene, Jerry, Alam, Simon, Ronnie, Tess, and all others, this is a huge success.
Passing s.2739 waa a big win and the United Workers formation is a big win too.
This is America and you guys have spoken for yourselves.
Is it true that Gerry Custodio got only 30 days extension from labor and almost ending reason why Irene led the group?.......
"I wanna ask Irene,Gerry C. and Coalition Group "What relief that you can extend to us guestworkers affected by this law PL 15-108"?"
One of the reasons this Coalition was formed was to fight PL-15-108. This law can not be blamed on the coalition.
to pl 15-108 fighters
How you could challenge this law?What's the capacity of your coalition?not even Gerry C.cannot find his employer? coalition for what? you guys need to prove something,give us FACTS not propaganda?Your coalition need to focus this poor leaving guestworkers with thier families?Since you are fighters help this workers?WHERE IS SO CALLED PROTECTION"
i just want to know why everyone is fighting to be the "leader" of the foreign workers.
30 dekada supporters represent .15 of guest worker force and thus speaks for .15 of our guest work force and about .075, or less than 1 tenth of one percent of our total adult population here.
Quit whining and asking "what do we get' "what garantee do we have" "who will protect us"...for Gods sake toughen up and quit whining.
anon - 2 up
The President will sign this bill this week and your buddy in DOL will NOT deport anyone after that thanks to some.
anon - who said this quote below? what a mean thing to say to Jerry.
"not even Gerry C.cannot find his employer? coalition for what? you guys need to prove something,give us FACTS"
We are not required to GIVE you anything. Federalization supporters here want an end to a corrupt system and have not promised anything. No immigrant to the US is promised anything. You have no entitlement. Pro federalization supporters want a hope for decency and justice for all. If you are part of the corruption, don't lay it on anyone but yourself.
To not support the United Coalition is hard to understand and the sincerity of your motives while you still engage meetings with a PL-15-108 author is perplexing.
NO to PL-15-108
I am living in the US with a green card but was a contract worker for years and know & read about what you have all done. I am so proud of you all. I am proud of workers speaking their mind, leaders with a plan and direction, writers and advisors going to great lengths to help people, advocates stating the facts, and each and every one of you. I am a little jealous and envious of your great works and sad that i did not do more but I am with you all at heart.
i am those postings anonymously and saying bad words about me, may you find PEACE in your heart...and may all your dreams could come true, so that you would find JOY in everything you do...good luck!
for our fellow gws who have questions or would like to know what the coalition is doing re. those who are affected by 15-108, please call me at 483 6867. no promises but i can assure you that we are doing something.
malou, if i have offended you in any way in the past, i'm sorry. i hope we, along with our other kababayans will just stop this exchange of hurting words and instead unite. i promise you that you will not hear anything from me and if you do, you know my cell# i hope you can call me and check with me first.we've also reminded everyone in the coalition to mind our own business and not to say anything about any other people or group. there are so many things to do and so little time. why do we have to waste our time with unproductive things?
Really, now?
It is just amazing the kind of stuff posted here.
How long has Dekada fought for federalization and improved status for long-term alien residents of the CNMI?
Where was everyone else then?
Who has handled hundreds of labor and immigration cases for minimal fees?
Who financed the successful deportation defenses of several long-term alien residents? (hint: Dekada)
Who helped Jerry Custodio with his labor and immigration problems for free?
Who really knows the true situation faced by aliens in the CNMI, the full legal ramifications of PL 15-108 and federalization, legal and political strategies to deal with these complex problems, and has knowledge, experience, and a proven record of results in this arena?
Who fought for the rights and welfare of alien workers when it was unpopular to do so and practically everyone was saying there was no chance of success?
Whose idea was it to have a march, that became the Unity March, when certain people wanted a general strike -- confrontation instead of peaceful expression?
Why is Jerry Custodio falsely saying Dekada is anti-federalization, that its officers got a "sweetheart deal," and that they "turned away from Wendy" (who to my understanding is an advocate for, not ruler of, workers)?
How does one promote unity by creating a new organization with new leaders? Martin Luther was unifying the Catholic church?
Does putting "united" in the name of an organization make it so? Or is it just a presumptuous claim to speak for people that it does not?
Why is it okay to follow the lead of the Chamber of Commerce President and talk with chamber members but not okay to talk with Deanne Siemer and Maya Kara and work cooperatively with them on an initiative to improve the status of long-term alien residents of the CNMI?
Why should Dekada members and supporters of the LTR status initiative join an organization whose leadership includes individuals who have been engaged in a relentless campaign of insult and defamation against Dekada leaders and their counsel?
Can anyone cite even one truthful substantive fact of anything that Dekada or I have done that went against the goal of improved status for long-term alien residents?
We are pro-Unity. We were at the foundation of the Unity March. It was us who coined the phrase Unity Movement. There was never any problem with unity until some chose to set themselves apart from us, and to treat us viciously and dishonestly.
We are still pro-Unity -- unity in diversity. But calling on existing organizations and leaderships to unify by being subsumed into a new "Coalition of United Guest Workers" somehow seems a bit like the unity Hilter promised Europe under the Nationalist Socialist Workers' Party.
Sorry, Irene. I have the greatest respect for you and truly believe you are sincere. But the inspiration for this "unifying" move was misguided and the execution poorly informed.
hey ron, so you have your brand new recognized leader now... and where is your announcement for the day of sacrifice??? remember??? I just hope your new recognized leaders are willing or have the guts to do your day of sacrifice just like the determination of malou and boni. Hey maybe Jerry can do it because he doesn't have an employer anyway, does he??? good luck ron...
and to the other anons your grammar and spelling sucks! lolz
Yeah it true Ron you always remind us the day of sacrifice since you have new leaders can you push then to do so.Do you think those who attended more about 1,000 gw will followed to this DAY OF SACRIFICE.....remember the gasoline is $4.50/gal....heheheheh
what a laugh, now that the fruits are nearly ready for harvest then here comes some absentee landlords ready to grab... what a shame... pity you people...
to dekada lawyer, that's a good set of questions you got there. I wonder if they can answer... Maybe they can't because they weren't there...
There have been many lies directed toward Dekada and other participants in the LTR status initiative. So it is no surprise that another would appear here. In this instance, however, the lie is directed at an even broader target: all the organizations that sponsored the forum Saturday evening (MOVER, Bicol Association, elements of the Unity core group, and UFO (United) Filipino Organization, in addition to Dekada).
The lie of which I speak is this one:
"The NMI residency dekada group had rally this weekend to and advertised Tina would be there...but she was not and there claim of 500 group only had 25."
Rep. Tina was not advertised to be there. We said very specifically that she was invited but had not confirmed. Saturday morning, she expressed to me her regrets that she could not be there, and I conveyed this to the individuals in attendance. To my understanding she was also invited to the CUGW meeting on Sunday and did not attend it either.
It was a forum, not a rally.
It could have been organized to conflict directly with the CUGW "rally" for Sunday but was intentionally scheduled not to conflict.
No one ever claimed 500 participants.
I don't know what the "NMI residency" modifier for "dekada" in this deceptive statement is supposed to mean. Am I to take it that the members of the Coalition of United Guest workers are not residents of the NMI?
The attendance at the short notice, poorly publicized forum was not 25 but roughly three times that number. We discussed matters of substance -- specific facts, situations, and issues relative to federalization, the LTR status initiative, Rep. Tina's bill, and what still needs to be done to protect and promote the interests of aliens in the CNMI.
There was no free food, live bands, or dances.
To the anon who wrote this:
"Im a guestworker with US children my employer did not renewed my contract and my 30 days extension in labor is almost ended"
You need to stop by my office.
This post says "hundreds" showed up. The lead picture shows only around 40 people.
the DEKADA must have financial report of their collections 100 dollars per guest worker! Where did you spend?Please explain to the workers! That"s peoples money!
Why did you follow Siemer and Willen"s? Why did you sent bad emails and letters to Wendy Doromal? Please explain?
Where is your financial report?
Please explain is it for free? $100 x 5000 = 500,000 Is it free?
Or money making business from the poor guest workers!
Pera Pera or prinsipyo?
malou heRe...i am veRy pleased to announce that i discoveRed who was anon who posted bad woRds against me!he is not a filipino! at least now, i know he is not my kababayan.
i know who you aRe anon!!! gotcha!!! but i foRgive you...foR you may not know what you doing...oR doing it for souR gRaping and sweet lemon at the same time...
to you ANON-you can call me in all the bad woRds you could find in a's up to you! would i lose something? i guess none? would you gain something? i hope so! you would be the one who would carry all the hatRed not me...and you aRe the one who would answeR to ouR LOrD (that is, if you aRe a believeR)...
be caReful in posting ANON! "ang isda ay nahuhuli sa saRiling dila". ask youR wife to inteRpRet that deep tagalog to you!
again, i wish you joy and peace in youR life..i am happy and at peace with my life...i wish you the same!!! good luck!
Ah, the $100 x 5000 = 500,000 allegation. At least you can do the math. To bad that's all it is: an exercise in multiplication.
If that amount had been collected, you can be sure we would have achieved not only much better results that the Fitial (and preceeding) administrations did with the millions of taxpayer dollars, but much quicker too!
I wonder if you, Anon, are the same fellow who wrote this in the newspaper? The truth will all become abundantly clear when the defamation lawsuit is filed.
It was very clearly explained previously when we got tired of these kinds of scurrilous allegations that nothing even remotely like that sum was ever collected. Dekada never claimed 5,000 paid members, and also made clear that many members never fully paid their fees. Ultimately Dekada was able to get the signatures of over 5,000 people supporting their effort, but most of these people were "free riders" who never paid a single penny.
So there is no excuse for this libel.
Show me the people. I would love to see it. Of course, they have to pay up first.
defamation lawsuit? this sounds great. I would love to see those people spreading libelous allegations sued. And I'll be the first one to celebrate if they go to jail or maybe a HUGE(borrowed term from ron) amount of fine will do... lol
dekada lawyer, i want to file defamation lawsiut also! could i ask for a million dollar for damages? since they were accusing me of selling gworkers to d.seimer and m.kara? i might as well have a REAL money in my bank account!
to other ANON-a day of sacrifice by ron hodges with me? why did you think that ron would work with me? he called me a weak guest worker, a crying guest worker, a follower of d.siemer & g.cruz etc. etc..! i am not a leader anon! ron likes to work with smart people and i am not smart! i am just an ordinary guest worker and cannot even make a dramatic and sarcastic comments because my english is below average!!!! people like ron are smart...and of course, they want to deal with smart!!!
a day of sacrifice? oops, i forgot to tell to those i convinced to join, that it would not push through as we planned!!! thanks for reminding!!!!
isn't it that Jerry's got 20 days left? Hey ron, why don't you hire him so that you can start campaigning for your HUGE day of sacrifice.
or it maybe pushed through with the set of new leaders ron hodges are supporting...would they listen to ron? would he be followed??? i hope so....if the goal is good, count me in!
Follow Siemer and Willens? Bad emails and letters to Wendy Doromal?
Where do you get stuff like this? What kind of juice have you been guzzling?
Do you even know the meaning of the words "follow" and "bad"?
Nightmare fanasyland looney tunes ....
I, for one, would be happy to post all my emails to Wendy, and her's to me, on the net verbatim -- every word, every email -- if she agreed with this proposal.
I expect the same would apply to Boni, Malou, Hector, and Conrad -- and anyone else you might care to name.
Only problem with a defamation lawsuit is getting a large monetary judgment requires proof of damages, and how can we show we were damaged by the rantings of an idiot?
Nominal damages are the more probable result.
How do you quantify the damage to the interests of long-term alien residents caused by slurs on the character of their champions, intended, most likely, to divide the workers and undermine the credibility of their cause, with the ultimate goal of "keeping them in their place" (a "proper place" so eloquently articulated by Cinta Kaipat)?
Stop bullying people by threatening futile defamation lawsuits. Even if you think people have said things that are unfair, your thin-skinned over-reaction has made the situation worse, not better. If you truly care about the guest workers, put your ego aside, defend your record in a positive spirit and do not resort to threats, intimidation and name-calling.
Stop bullying.....there are to much already..pera o prinsipyo.......just wait and you will see , we know you.We'll see on court.
FYI another group is forming they are LGW 20 years up.I'm confuse.
sorry to say it so bluntly, but...
man, you guys n' gals sound like a bunch of whiny bitches.
how do you expect to further any cause when all you do is fight for the spotlight?
"it was me! i'm the one who made it work!"
"no, it was me! the other guys are liars!"
you're not going to get anywhere with all of your bickering and back-biting. you're losing respect for yourselves.
keep your fighting behind closed door and freakin' unify, already. only then will you make some real progress.
it's one thing to fight the system while fighting for "human dignity," but it's another to simply fight each other.
take it from someone ont he outside--quit it already.
I'm gonna form my group too, STGW 6 years below! harharhar, what a laugh. Hey that's nice, I might convince Jerry to join me since he's got 20 days left i guess.. and maybe ron can support my group. hahahah
'wonder what STGW means? Short Term Guest Workers. lol
i totally agree with would be better if you settle this yourselves..
1) tigilan muna ang mga akusasyon sa isat-isa
2) imbes na sumulat sa blog, sa dyaryo or bago magsalita, kausapin o kunsultahin mismo ang mga taong involved.
3) go back to no. 1
Subukan mo kabayan, para lang hindi nagiging katawatawa ang lahat.
fRom anon... Even if you think people have said things that are unfair, your thin-skinned over-reaction has made the situation worse.
O really??? where did you get those?? from your hydrocephalic cells on top of your shoulders? as the other anon said, there's much already... watch out...
mandaragat... damage has been done already. look around you, listen to what people talk about. pera o prinsipyo?.
Good suggestions. I like that, it's 3 simple steps... I hope jery can read that...
Gerry C. you created this mess,you have to admit it, all begun when you are excluded to so called secret meeting.And you accused us we are selling our principles.Gerry we will not reached at this point if we sell or quit in early years but you see we are almost there and all the sudden you will put our loyalty in trouble.You cannot denied that because I know you.You should admit to Irene or else she is your next victim.
Well, I'm glad to see that Brad's common sense advice penetrated your thick skulls. Not. You guys are pathetic.
Brad - Your views on federalization are looking wiser by the hour.
Brad for the leader of the new to be former Allies For Temporary Emancipation of Resident Alien Lonterm Leaders (AFTER-ALL).
Mandaragat, you are absolutely right. Do you know how many, many hours I and others spent doing just exactly that? Do you know that Malou, as a result of her efforts, has repeatedly told me that she is "full already" having "eaten all of her pride," and that she is going to get fat from eating her pride too much?
Unfortunately, to no avail. The reward for our efforts has been endless scurrilous attacks and falsehoods into our backs (usually under cloak of anonymity).
prinsipyo lang!
brad: am i included to those who sounds like whiny bitches??? okay, i would accept that! i have been quiet for awhile...and never posted anything in a blog for sometime...and eventhough i've been silent, alot of coward people, posting anonymously throwing bad words to me...for whatever reason, i don't have any idea...
again, i will say, peace and joy to all although it's not yet christmas...for these are needs of these people...
have a good time to all...enjoy life to fullest! and if this how the way people enjoy their lives, so be it!!!
would i lose something? NONE
would they gain from doing this? HOPE SO!!!
GOOD LUCK ANONS!!!queng leon queng tigre equo tatacut que cau pa!!!!
Gerry - Thank you for gathering so many signatures for us
5000+ thanks again Gerry
What's causing the internal dissention among the Foreign National Workers is the reality setting in as the actual language of S. 2739 is coming to be understood by the worker in the street.
There is a terrible sense of betrayal by Dekada Shyster and the Ombudsperson. So people are grasping at straws, looking for a "leader" (someone, anyone -- Ron Hodges, Irene, Tina) to save them from the dire straights they find themselves in now that federalization is a certainty.
"Shyster, can you draft a lawsuit stalling deportations for 12 to 18 months?" "Tina, can you pass a bill letting us stay 3 to 3-1/2 years until we get our federal entry permits?" "Ombudsperson, can you draft some secret regs establishing a new and improved Nonresident Workers Act for the 'Transition Period,' staffed with some of your friends as Hearing Officers who are known to be pro-worker?" "It's best if you don't share those regs with the employers -- that tactic worked well with federalization." "Saipan Writer, can you file a class action lawsuit against the federal and CNMI governments on behalf of all U.S. citizens whose parents are being deported in the new wave of CNMI ethnic cleansing?" "Irene, can you lead a one-day general strike?"
"Someone, do something. Anything!"
"It was MY idea!"
malou, you can email me anytime...
brad: i don't have problem with you...
and i don't have problem too!
i am just giving enjoyment to these people posting anonymously(cowardly)with so much hatred on me...
I'm also hiding behind this anon and the other anon said Irene's going to be the next victim of Jery. I was wondering when will be ron's turn. lolz.
To Realism Aficionado:
The bill you ask Rep. Tina if she can draft was drafted by me a week ago.
Deportations are a case by case thing. Many have been saved from deportation, many others have had their eventual removal delayed, sometimes for quite long periods. Nothing changes in this regard when the President signs the bill. As for your desire to see deportations generally put off until the adjudications will be under the federal regime, there are better strategies to achieve this than litigation.
If you are looking for a "kinder, gentler PL 15-108" read the regulations drafted by Deanne Siemer that are currently governing DoL practice.
I would love to see Saipan Writer file that lawsuit.
Now that's realism.
Bullying? As Wendy would say (paraphrasing), "you [obviously] don't know me."
Angelo, I think it was great you were invited.
I'm a bit puzzled and confused, however. The newspaper report on the group's formation and planned assembly very clearly said that it was "for guest workers only."
I wasn't invited but thought nothing of it because the group had specifically announced it was an exclusive new organization that did not admit or associate with people like me, Wendy Doromal, and Ron Hodges, who are not guest workers.
Dekada Lawyer, the leaders of the coalition said they have been trying to reach out to you and the other Dekada leaders.
Now you're saying you were not invited to the Sunday event...
One more thing. There really were hundreds of workers. Too bad, my camera wasn't able to get all of them in one frame.
Since you were there Weird E.,is it true they were claming 1,000 attendees in the newspaper?
Honest guess thought 800 or 900 to as much as 1000 counting kids and in/out visitors.
please stop this childish bickering back at each other
please please stop with the mean posts already
please say something nice or nothing at all
...nice or nothing at all...
anon said:please say something nice or nothing at all should have posted that, during the time we were exploring discussions with DS & MK...then i would believe you...!
...nothing at all...
does that satisfy you?? lolz.
malou lasing pa ako...
nice again....
nothing at all. lolz
Weird Elle,
I don't know what the leaders of the "coalition" have been telling you, but the facts are as follows:
1. I am easy to reach and talk to. My office door is open during working hours every day. My phone number is in the book. Jerry (and others) have my cell number. No one spoke to me. (In the final days before the assembly, I did get a generic mass-mailed text inviting "everyone.")
2. People went door to door to drum up attendance for the event. No one spoke to me.
3. The newspaper announcement of the formation of the new group and planned assembly expressly stated that it was "for guest workers only."
4. I brought the disunifying characteristics of this move to the attention of Wendy Doromal. She would hear nothing of it. No one contacted me.
5. A Filipino religious leader seeking to persuade people to come to the assembly argued that Boni Sagana and I will go to jail after federalization comes because Dekada collected fees to support its quest for improved status for long-term alien residents of the CNMI (obviously, the irresponsible individual's description of the money collected was less flattering).
6. Jerry has been advocating for the new group based on a host of utterly false allegations, including that Dekada is anti-federalization, that we got some kind of "sweetheart deal" and were "paid off," that there was an attempt to "force" him to sign a (nonexistent) document renouncing any improved status that might be offered, and that we allegedly "turned against" Wendy and sent her "bad emails."
Regarding the number of attendees, there are additional pictures in today's Saipan Tribune, including one panoramic shot. A generous interpretation of the number of people in that picture is still well below 200. Extrapolating from all available evidence, an accurate assessment of the number of attendees is probably 200 to 300. Since anything over 200 technically does qualify as "hundreds," I will not say your headline was false (please note that I only said the photos included with your post did not show hundreds). Ron Hodges claim of 1,000 is patently false, however.
A group of Chinese who were there later on spoke with Boni Sagana because they were puzzled when he was not there. They said they went because they thought he was going to be there.
Someone who does not even have the courage or honesty to attach their name to the comment makes a sweeping statement and generalization about stopping "childish bickering."
For the record, presenting the truth and rebutting lies are not "bickering."
to anon who said "malou lasing pa ako"...
if i only knew who you are, i would i ask you personally to avoid using the computer and posting in the blog when you are drunk...
i don not and would NEVER tolerate this kind of attitude...
pakawala ka ba ng ibang tao?
ron was invited but he didn't go there
1,000 attendees ,can you check Saipan Tribune or Jacqueline H. is only shows less than 200,are you guys knows how to count?Gerry stop your PROPOGANDA CAMPAIGN ,STOP LYING,ITS SHAMEFUL guys can see it clearly it Saipan Tribune to anon says 900 so need to go to Hard eye to treat your eyes...THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL WATCH IT....
Atty. who's that religious filipino leader or priest?...
I'm just wondered i'm sure there are 3 accountants who attended including Irene,did they need to use "excel" to add the numbers of attendees.....we just want only the TRUTH not to mislead the gw.
I don't want to name names, but he made that statement to Conrad, and Conrad does not lie.
Ron Hodges was not there?
Interesting, because the very first anonymous post under this topic -- claiming over 1000 people present -- is very clearly his. It has all his hallmark writing idiosyncrasies.
We heard Gerry C. asked by a guestworker last Sunday ,asking if GUARANTEED sure for Green Card for Guestworker and GERRY answered is 100%.....clearly misleading lol...
Irene should look into this matter about this filipino religious leader?.....
Regarding the Filipino religious leader, Boni confronted him about it, and he denied making the statements. However, as I said, he made the statements to Conrad, and Conrad does not lie.
I don't think the crowd reached a thousand, only "hundreds."
I personally like to see a united group of guest workers and supporters.
Just when the federalization bill -- which Dekada and the HDM both support -- is about to become law, there's this disunity.
Since we are the MIDDLE ROAD, I am not taking sides between the two opposing groups. Dekada, as well as HDM, has shown resiliency.
If I have the time, I make it a point to attend the groups' major activities.
Thanks, Weird Elle. We are not against HDM or the new group, only wrong things being said.
HDM has been a great ally, and we were very disappointed to see this division occur and to have been excluded from participation in the planning, organization, and coordination of the prayer vigil. And, of course, there were the personal attacks, lies, disinformation and misinformation. We know something of the roots of the problem, but it is something beyond our control, at least not without sacrificing principle or our commitment to serve the needs and aspirations of alien residents of the CNMI to the best of our ability and judgment.
Federalization as incorporated in S.2739 is only a stepping stone -- a very important one, but still only that. There is a HUGE job still to be done, and much of it must be done right here in the CNMI (and in some instances, or when the time comes, on an individual case basis).
Also, time is of the essence.
My counsel and representation is available to anyone (absent professional conflict or other ethical consideration).
I am "dekada lawyer" because at one time they were the only organization representing long-term alien residents on the status issue -- and they asked me to be their counsel. Coming later, HDM originally was Human Dignity Act Movement in honor of Cong. George Miller's bill. As used by me, the term "dekada lawyer" truly symbolizes the goal, the purposes, the guiding principles, more than it reflects an attorney-client relationship with any organization or individuals.
In my speech at the conclusion of the Unity March, I said "diversity unites us, not divides us." I followed it up by renaming one of my blogs to be The Unity Movement CNMI. I spoke often of the "Unity Movement" in the months following the march -- and it is to be remembered that the Unity Movement is much broader than just "guest workers," it included (and should still include) businesses and U.S. citizens and persons of NMI descent.
Incidentally, I have never liked the term "guest worker." I feel it belittles the role and dignity of the worker, who is to be deemed just a "guest" and accordingly is obligated to show the appropriate deference and subservience to his or her host. To my eye and ear, that is the connotation. Thus, the term effectively is a badge of servitude.
Moreover, the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the term has nothing whatsoever to do with "federalization." If an alien worker is to be deemed a "guest," he or she is not made any less so because his or her immigration status is defined by federal law and determined by federal authority, rather than CNMI.
Certainly, someone with a "green card" could not properly be called a "guest worker," but there are no immediate or automatic green cards under the current "federalization."
I disagree that the term "guest" is a badge of servitude, especially in island and Asian cultures. These workers would be much better off if they were actually treated like guests. I agree that there must be a better term than "guest worker", though. Any suggestions?
Thanks to you Weird E. now we know who's telling the TRUTH and thanks also to Jacqueline H. of Saipan Tribune for the "nice" fact picture.........
New name?
saipan scammers
United Coalition of Workers
PI army
That's typical of the disdainful attitude towards foreign workers that earned the CNMI that reputation that it has.
Foreign National Worker
Much better. Perhaps a little too inclusive because it includes green card holders, but much better.
"Foreign National Worker" would also include citizens of the freely associated states, but who's counting?
This law intends to replace CGWorkers with those from th freely associated states directly or indirectly.
You advocates should tell the facts about the anon revelation above.
the intent of s.2739 is to zero guest workers by 2014.
can monogaha green card holders work here after 2014?
100 bingo
Seems some anons here are determined to prove the old adage, "keep your mouth closed [and your keyboard silent] and be thought a fool, or open it [type away] and remove all doubt."
"Foreign National Worker" is defined by PL 15-108 and does not include FAS nationals, who have a Federally-guaranteed right to live and work in the CNMI with restriction.
It is definitely a better term than "guest worker."
What's are "monogaha green card holders"?
In any case, any "green card" holder (i.e. U.S. lawful permanent resident) can live and work anywhere in the U.S. and, yes, specifically in the CNMI commencing on the transition program effective date. Indeed, for all practical purposes, this is already the case.
facts - & - final need to actually read the bill.
There is nothing in the language of the bill about replacing foreign workers in the CNMI with FAS workers.
facts - & - final can be included in my comment on "some anons" above
I don't know if final is attempting to play misleading word games with the term "guest workers," but in no way, shape, or form, can the bill be read as a whole in accordance with established principles of statutory interpretation and come to reasonable conclusion that the intent of the legislation is to zero out all foreign labor in the CNMI by 2014.
Just the provision for extension of the transition program in 5-year increments defeats that bogus argument, and there are so many other clear indications and statements of intent quite the contrary.
It is an utterly specious argument for the purpose of frightening and confusing "guest workers" and foolishly and futilely trying to stave off "federalization."
After seeing your list of officers I suggest you be careful... be very careful or you will be the one "dancing with wolves!"
hey, dancing with wolves worked for kevin costner...
sorry, couldn't resist.
Ron you know its you posting s2pid messages under anonymous... is so EMBARRASING not only for yourself but for teachers and white trash like yourself... you dont even know how to SPELL...I think you are too caught up with your s2pid issues that you dont even have the time to attend to your son! he is your priority... YOU HAVE THE PRETTY PASSPORT AND YOUR WIFE HAS A GREEN one question to you is why in the hell do you still find interest in all of this... i think that you should keep your big fat and ugly nose outa here it has nothing to concern you... and if you are so dissatisfied with the CNMI and how we treat the guest workerS... GO HOME!!! OR WAIT I GUESS YOU DONT LIKE IT THERE IN YOUR SO CALLED FREE AMERICA, BECAUSE THERE YOU ARE NOTHING... JUST ANOTHER NUMBEWR IN THE GROWING POPULATION AND PROBLEMS!
Sorry we don't use the F word here. Reposting the last two comments.
"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Coalition of guest workers":
It's been awhile since i've seen the blog and shocked to what it has become. Instead of focusing on the important things little minded people such as Ron and Anon choose to badger people and other groups. I will believe whatever you people are saying if u give me proof. How is malou the divider? and yes that's the correct spelling for DIVIDER. If you give me reason and enough proof to prove your statements then that is the time when people should believe you. Don't be an asshole. Even if you are a teacher you ain't a very good one.
New name nominations:
United Shovel Leaners
American Federation of Molasses Movers
Dreamsters Union
Dekada Lawyer, will you join the Guam-based lawyers who are also licensed to practice in the CNMI in helping guest workers once the federalization bill becomes law?
At this time, the coalition is not sure what kind of assistance these lawyers would extend to guest workers. Individual counseling? Filling up forms? Pre-screening for eligibility for H visa?
If Antolin and the coalition are to be believed, the Guam lawyers will provide assistance free of charge to the workers. Now that's a relief.
Antolin also said applying for H visa won't reach $1,000.
don't you think that this newly formed coalition came a little too late? i mean i get the concept of "its never too late to start... or better late than never" but then again it seems to me like some people just want the credit like anon said earlier...It surprises me that a majority of the Filipino guest workers...under any circumstances... would rather die than to go back home ... is the PI really that much of a $#!7 hole?
it was when the Unity march that took place in December that i actually saw TRUE UNITY. what do we have now just a united bunch of dumba$$3S Trashtalking other people... GROW UP EVERYONE! stop the hating there is a dammed war going on right now! PLAIN AND SIMPLY PUT IT THIS WAY...
Dekada please have your financial report to the people! Its peoples poor money you have collected
! Transparency please! Where did our money go? And you followed Siemer?
Dekada please have your financial report to the people! Its peoples poor money you have collected
! Transparency please! Where did our money go? And you followed Siemer?
To Anon:
No one is entitled to information about the internal affairs of an organization other than the members of that organization who have paid their dues. The internal records of private organizations, including their membership rolls, are constitutionally protected from disclosure to outsiders even, in most cases, from the government, per the United States Supreme Court. That protection has even greater force in the CNMI by virtue of the privacy right in the Commonwealth Constitution. I cannot speak for Dekada's officers and directors, and certainly cannot direct their choices, but I anticipate all properly made reasonable requests from members would be honored. Free riders have no standing, and anonymous posters even less so. Anonymous demands have no standing, and, for that matter, no character, moral authority, or credibility.
"Follow Siemer"? What kind of idiot are you? Are you following everyone you talk with? If you agree with someone that a course of conduct is worth exploring, are you following them?
That is just plain stupid.
You follow someone when you let your goals and course of conduct be set by someone else. Dekada and the members of the LTR status working group have never followed anyone. They are the true leaders.
It would be more true to say that Deanne Siemer is in a position where she has to follow us than it is to say we are following her.
How about we focus on facts rather than fantasy -- on discerning reality rather than tossing around phony labels?
Weird Elle,
What Guam based lawyers? Does the CoUGW actually have written commitments from Guam lawyers to provide services for free? I would love to see that. It is about time someone else shared the burden. But where have those "Guam-based lawyers" been all these years while thousands of workers have been fighting their lonely battles with the system with barely a handful of lawyers willing to provide them any assistance, with or without a fee?
I have not priced my services for assistance with H-visa applications. If Antolin is talking about the lawyers fees alone, he may be right (although that is not what I've heard). If he is talking about total costs, he is nowhere near the ballpark.
I say he could be right because my fee for assistance with green card applications -- of which I have done many -- is less than $1,000. But the total cost is around triple that.
Price aside, H-visas are not for everyone. Every worker and business will have to make its own evaluation of the best way to approach the new regime. Any responsible lawyer competent in immigration law and familiar with the federalization bill will tell you that. Legal guidance in some form will probably be advisable for everyone, to best protect their interests and prepare for the future.
Lawyers also have to eat, support their families, pay the bills, etc. Indeed, the burden on lawyers is much greater than ordinary citizens, because (1) they must pay attention to the business side of the law or go bankrupt, (2) many people are depending upon them and need things from them, and (3) all of this entails enormous overhead costs. Nothing comes for free -- someone must pay for it: the client, the lawyer, or a third party.
One way or another, for everything there are costs that must be covered. That is basic economics. Every result requires the application of time and energy, if not treasure (which, after all, is only a store of time and energy) -- all of which are in limited supply. Economics: the science of scarcity, the application of scarce resources to yield products (outcomes desired by people).
I can tell you that in the past eight years my pro bono (reduced fee or no fee) work has exhausted more than $100,000 in personal financial reserves I once, but no longer have. In other words, my family and business expenses have exceeded my cash flow by more than $100,000, most of the deficit being in the past three years.
My pro bono work includes Dekada (and its cause), which although it did pay some fees, received an allocation of my time vastly disproportionate to the amount of money received (a significant portion of which was to cover expenses and not fees for work).
My pro bono work also has included many, many worker cases dealing with immigration problems as well as complaints against employers and former employers. As I regularly tell prospective clients who are poor, whose cases I am nonetheless agreeing to take despite their inability to pay the usual and customary fees of the profession, explaining why I must ask them to make some payment despite their nearly impoverished financial condition: they are asking me to help them, I must ask them to help me also, so that I can manage to continue to help others like them in the future.
If the beneficiaries of the work do not support their lawyer, the lawyer ultimately will not be able to help anyone, even if that one individual is fortunate enough to obtain a favorable result.
I could see you much busier these days Dekada Lawyer with Bush's signing of the bill into law. I hope that there will be more professionals like you helping those who are in need -- with minimal fee or without fee.
You're right. where were the other private lawyers/attorneys when no one seemed to care?
As to the financial records, I was told other members paid only $10 or $20 instead of $100. I think one of the reasons why this request for disclosure will keep on pestering Dekada is a lack of understanding of the client-lawyer relationship. BUT public interest is so strong on this.
I do not have all the details, but it has been publicly stated previously that some members never fully paid their dues and that barely over 1,000 (if that many) paid anything at all. I am less clear on the first point than the second.
Dekada, in recognition of the strained financial resources of many workers and their families, did allow a significant number of individuals to pay their $100 membership registration fee in installments of as little as $10. Many never completed their payments. I would not have recommended this approach, which entails substantial risk and administrative overhead, but there can be no question that there was but one motivation for it: kind-hearted sympathy and understanding for the economic hardships of alien workers in the CNMI.
The only people who have any legitimate interest in the question of money are those who paid it. Some others -- particularly those opposed to improved status for long-term alien residents (e.g. Harry Blalock and Fitial sycophants) -- have repeatedly attempted to slander Dekada leadership and use the matter of fees or fund raising in an attempt to undermine support for the movement. The goal has been to cut off access to resources that could be used to further the Movement's objectives and to sow envy and doubt so as to undermine support for the movement.
This is unsurprising. But the bitterest cut is when people who are supposed to be your allies, and who are part of the class of people to be benefited by your efforts, resort to such tactics for the sake of self-aggrandizement, because they want to wear the laurels when the war is almost won, and despite their lack of comprehension of the state of the battlefield.
The preceding applies only to those individuals who have been deploying scurrilous innuendos in furtherance of their self-centered ends. It is not intended to apply to participants in the "coalition" who are not guilty of such tactics.
Irene, for example, was a true leader as member of the Unity Core Group. She only had the misfortune of being misled into starting this new organization. Perhaps she can find a way to rise above this inauspicious beginning and contribute and become a meaningful force in furtherance of the cause and the welfare of the workers -- dragging her fellow officers and advisors with her, kicking and screaming, if necessary.
There is always room for more leaders. Every creative idea, every energetic body, every committed soul is needed, and a place can be found for all who know how to cooperate and focus on a common goal.
Crabs in a bucket, however, are not leaders.
Weird Elle,
I am grotesquely overworked right now as it is.
I have no shortage of work, only a shortage of reliable cash flow.
Is it true that coalition is formed because Dekada & Human Dignity parted ways? Dekada supported D Siemer and Human dignity dissagreed that's why friends& supporters tried to reconcile them. Is it also true that the coaltion leaders doesn't want to be associated with Dekada because of the money matters? (Mario maybe this is the reason why they formed another group, they don't want to be tainted)
I have just read Mario Corpuz letter to the editor. He is a clown. There is disunity among guest workers because of people like him. He should have looked in the mirror before he issued his biassed opinion.
Nobody has to right to tell anybody not to form any organization. This is a democratic nation (island) People should look at his (Mario's) reputation before believing him.
Mario, didn't you have an issue with the money matter before and don't say you are not a member of any group. You helped in forming Mover group right?
come on guys, enough already! the bill is now a law...time to think and work together
It's now a law.
Bury the hatchet and move on.
Biba Irene!
biba my dick!
let me see it then.
look toward tapochau. my dick is the one that's blinking.
Here is something for you anonymous doodlers to chew on!!!!
Chamberonomics 51… Thank you, Mr. President
I would like to personally thank the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, for signing S.2739 into US law. Congratulations everyone! The signing of S.2739 is an enormous win for the decent people of the Northern Marianas Islands.
"“What does this mean”?", has been a common question this week. A room full of lawyers read through the same document, and none can give you a straight, no spin answer to your simple question. I am a layman so all I can tell you is “'Welcome to America”.' I was asked several times this week what’s going to happen, what are our assurances, guarantees, and protections.
JFK said, “"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country”."
The new law intends to bring equality and fair play to our broken labor and immigration system. It also intends to reduce the number of guest workers here over about a ten year period. I believe the US will improve status for workers and eventually many will immigrate to the US mainland or Guam in search of better opportunity for their families than the Northern Marianas Islands can provide. Thank God the garment factories are almost gone from Saipan. Good riddance to their sleazy operations. A hard cold fact is their exodus leaves us with far too many workers than our tiny island can support. This is an economic reality. It is also an economic reality that Saipan can’t prosper using workers that live in tin shacks and remit their salaries to their country of natural origin.
America can be a land of unlimited opportunity, one where immigrants and sons and daughters of immigrants have no boundaries for success and achievement. The point is, you will, and should have a choice of where you live, and where you work. The days of tying an employee to one employer is over and a free market here will be better for all.
HANMI and the chamber may fear unity between guest workers and locals. Eventually, more indigenous islanders will move into the private sector and occupy large numbers of hotel industry jobs alongside CGWs, and their unity will enact change in wages, working conditions, and benefits.
We can expect better representation for CGWs. Workers here have never been adequately represented. Though a few advocates have voiced concerns, their poor representation is the primary reason for the length of this terrible situation of exploitation. Lawyers follow the money and it stands to reason that for many years here, CGWs were not the residents with deep pockets. This will soon change. Guest workers here may need individual legal representation due to years of working in a broken system. If the number of CGWs here is 19,000, and the minimal legal fees are 1,000 per, then that is 19 million bucks. Workers with more protection and higher wages will be more likely to sue over past exploitation as well. I think lawyers here will be on this federalization case for a long time to the benefit of workers.
There is much work unfinished. The improved status recommendation is of vital concern to the NMI. I suspect, the chamber, HANMI, and the Fitial administration are weighing options as you read this. The Governor outlined three options in his state of the commonwealth address, which seemed farcical in our current economy. For the Governor to pay 25,000 dollars per month for a lobbyist while his administration can’t provide power and our poorest children do not have ample supplies of drinking water is abominable and to challenge US in court would be worse. They will try to have input promulgating the regulations here, which would also be a disaster. They may even try to put one of their “yes” men or women as the Washington Rep. The DC Rep. may be able to amend the new law or add other restrictions to workers here and continue to block the minimum wage increase. I will only support a DC Rep with no affiliation with the chamber, HANMI, and the Governor.
We have four Congresspersons here that have offered legislation to ease the transition period and I would hope our local Congress would step forward with some progressive actions to help our failing commonwealth.
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