The rain didn't dampen the spirit of these guest workers who patiently waited for the US congressional team to pass by the American Memorial Park on their way to Hyatt Regency Saipan on Sunday afternoon.
Their patience paid off when the congressional team waved at them. The visitors are set to meet with the workers on Monday.
The Coalition of United Workers, sadly, has been having leadership issues of late.
Irene Tantiado, who has been one of the founding members and president, stepped down recently because of clashes with other leaders.
Just when the immigration regulations are being drafted and the workers' sentiments are being considered by visiting federal officials, here comes the issue of disunity among guest workers.
But Irene was at the peaceful assembly on Sunday, and vowed to continue advancing the cause of guest workers.
They should improve status of legal workers and not those who have committed immigration fraud, lied, or cheated to stay here. Those operating business should leave also as it would ruin our investor trade agreement to give investor status to those who are not financially qualified.
It takes 1 million US dollars to qualify. We do not want to keep cheap investors so many Koreans will not be able to renew their NMI investor visa.
Despite what MP, Lil' and Tina say, there will be no green cards for these people, no 'improved' status (whatever that means), nada. The US will keep the necessary H2 and H3 visa qualified people and shit can the rest. That means about 90% are outta here.
You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Even without immediate green cards.. if workers are here long enough, they'll be able to get green cards. There will also be a review within two years of long-stay workers. And 90% of workers aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
Stop with your false propoganda. It's as disgusting.. as you are.
You'd rather live in the slime you helped create, I'm sure.
to the first anonymous: i agree; only those who are LEGALLY here should have an improved immigration status. it should not be a blanket grant of status.
"Even without immediate green cards.. if workers are here long enough, they'll be able to get green cards."
Lil', where do you get this crap? Where does it say that? Can you point it out please? Are you writing the law? I've seen the law. There are no promises to anybody. You state things in a very wishful thinking kind of way. Non res workers carry a huge burden for DHS. DHS wants these people phased out. Most are now on food stamps and are costing too much money. Stop spinning this.
Lillian F. Hammerhead is a politically-correct “liberal activist.” She is not speaking of Public Law 110-229 as it exists, but of her hopes and dreams for a “better world.”
“There will also be a review within two years of long-stay workers. And 90% of workers aren't going anywhere anytime soon.”
This concluding quote from Lillian F. Hammerhead shows the degree to which her “activism” preys on the gullible foreign national workers here in the CNMI and actually causes so many of our problems through such disinformation.
Yes, Pub. L. 110-229, § 702(a) does create a new 48 U.S.C. § 1806(h), requiring a report no later than two years after May 8, 2008 from the Secretary of the Interior on “the nonresident guestworker population.” 122 Stat. 860. In part, the report must include recommendations as to “whether or not the Congress should consider permitting lawfully admitted guest workers lawfully residing in the Commonwealth on such enactment date to apply for long-term status under the immigration and nationality laws of the United States.” 48 U.S.C. § 1806(h)(5). DHS and the CNMI Governor must be “consulted.” Id.
By stating, “90% of workers aren't going anywhere anytime soon,” despite a clear decline in economic demand for the skills the present foreign national workers in the CNMI possess, she is implicitly encouraging them to “hang on” in the hope of Green Card status, even in the absence of lawful employment.
Thus, she is putting these poor, politically unsophisticated contract workers directly in the path of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) implementation efforts. She is condemning them to untold suffering and the banishment of opportunity to live in America.
Instead, if they return home or move abroad where there is a high demand for employment, they will preserve the possibility of return to the CNMI when the economy improves and to anywhere in America when their children turn 21.
These activists are ruining people's lives with their incorrect advice! Shame, shame, shame!
The stench of the activists' evil deeds is abominable.
workers are saying the dept of labor data on the number of nonresident workers is suspect. they dont think there are still over 18,000 workers here. it's way lower than that, but we wont know that for sure.
the placards saying 'stop deportation of guest workers'. is there really mass deportation?
Typical activist hyperbole.
The Administration has every incentive to claim that there are fewer foreign national workers here, so they can bring in more workers for projects like the Laulau golf condo hotel while remaining within the federal cap. Pub. L. 110-229, § 702(i)(1), 122 Stat. 866.
As for deportations, Judge Wiseman's immigration docket is a public record. It would be easy enough to do the numbers month-by-month.
The deportation claim is likely yet another of the activists' unsupported arguments that nevertheless were so effective in attaining federalization.
The real mass deportations will begin once ICE gains jurisdiction on June 1, 2008 (or soon thereafter if the regs get delayed).
If we had actual investigative journalists on this island, going through the Superior Court final deportation order numbers for the past 48 months might be instructive.
Now, now. Settle down, children. The reason that 90% of the foreign workers aren't going anywhere anytime soon is because most of them will be eligible for employment in the Commonwealth Only Transitional Worker program, and they will be filling jobs local employers desperately need them for.
From my perspective, the posters who are really the most hysterical are the one who are claiming the feds will be getting rid of everyone. There's only one official on island who has said, "They are all illegal and we intend to deport them," and he doesn't work for the feds.
You're right. She is a liberal activist. Foreign workers' hopes and dreams are hinging on a liberal's hopes and dreams. Jesus.
There's only one official on island who has said, "They are all illegal and we intend to deport them," and he doesn't work for the feds.
Governor Fitial didn't use the word “all” except in reference to specific “leaders” of the foreign national “workers” protesting outside the Congressional committee field hearing.
They were indeed out of status. But one couldn't expect the media composed of cause-oriented reporters seeking the very changes the protesters were espousing to report this accurately.
Give me a break.. part II. You creeps keep working hard to perpetuate your old crooked corrupt system. It was wrong.. it is wrong.. and it's going going gone.
Come up with a new abhoration. Cheap labor and days of malaise are coming to a close.
Come back here to see the Lt. Governor being taken away after his indictment as well as the following press conference with Assistant U.S. Attorney Eric S. O'Malley and First Assistant United States Attorney Jeffrey J. Strand.
Oh, and an interview with a less than interested Alfred the cat outside of the federal courthouse.
All I have to do is get it up on YouTube
oh, and sorry about the spam. just thought you might be interested in it.
Just so we don't need further spam in this thread:
thanks anonymous
i added the official us attorney's office press release to my blog and am in the process of adding the press conference video as well as the actual indictment.
Did Timmy V. have the fishing boat he was GIVEN for our power contract in last weekends fishing derby?
John J. gave him the fishing boat while John's boat partner, Bob H. was ill. I thought everyone in Saipan knew about the fishing boat gift for C*&co to get the power contract from CUC.
How can you give a boat away when you only own a 50% interest in it, even if your partner is ill? Does anyone who knows Bob H. really think he'd stand still for that?
I suggest someone ask Bob if he got paid for his interest in the boat. I have, and he did.
Great unsubstantiated rumor, though. Long live the blogs, where you can say anything anonymously and it sounds believable.
the entire press con is now up on youtube and my blog. enjoy!
yes i saw it brad. thanks.
We were silent before. We did not take part on the clamor for federalization, we were just working peacefully until the Dekada spearheaded that campaign. We were ashamed/embarassed of what they did. Cinta Kaipat (plus the original author R.Y and accomplices) retaliated with the ill-conceived PL15-108. We are then affected, and joined the rally on December 2007. We joined the rally because of PL bullshit and not because of the call for Federalization. The Dekada and Atty W, shifted their interest in the so called "Saipan Residency", headed by Deanne S (S for shit?)we are left hanging in the limbo. Irene and company decided to continue the fight because we, the silent guest workers are now like cornered rats. There's no choice now but to side with Federalization because of that slavery law. Irene was just trying to continue the fight because we don't trust those people who put us in this position.
Amen to that! Why are there a handful of locals that are so against in giving us US citizenship where in the first place, it (US Citizenship) is not theirs to give?
Remember, you were not US Citizen before! (I'm borrowing this phrase from a toughie I know).
Tim got a baot from JJ and that many people know.
Many people think they know, but if it were true don't you think some charges would have been brought against someone for this?
John and Bob sold the fucking boat to Tim.
Irene stepped down for only one reason. To rake in money on her newest scheme to use her fellow countrymen for personal gain. Along with the Dekada Sheister she will rake a pretty penny off the top of any class action winnings should she and her dupes prevail in court.
You don't know what you're saying anon! It is exactly the opposite! She had her resignation known so that if the coalition decided to collect money, her name won't be drag to it. Ask the resigned coalition secretary.
anon - so u admit jon "sold" a boat to tim while negotiating a contract with/for CUC?
Ask them both yourself. Everyone seems to be quoting Bob H., I'm just asking anyone if they really think Bob would give away a boat he owned half of.
As far as I know, they sold the boat. I have no idea of the timing of it, if it was before, after, or during the contract award.
Now, now. Settle down, children. The reason that 90% of the foreign workers aren't going anywhere anytime soon is because most of them will be eligible for employment in the Commonwealth Only Transitional Worker program, and they will be filling jobs local employers desperately need them for.
From my perspective, the posters who are really the most hysterical are the one who are claiming the feds will be getting rid of everyone.
Apparently you are somewhat out of touch with the financial realities of small businesses in the CNMI these days. The Chamber of Commerce, Division of Revenue & Taxation, foreign national worker advocates, and anyone who has anything to do with FNWs are all well aware that there are fewer employment opportunities now.
No one is claiming the feds will be getting rid of “everyone.” Just those FNWs without lawful employment.
Hence the need to find work, here or outside the CNMI.
Give me a break.. part II. You creeps keep working hard to perpetuate your old crooked corrupt system. It was wrong.. it is wrong.. and it's going going gone.
Come up with a new abhoration. Cheap labor and days of malaise are coming to a close.
Enough Generalizations Lil name names.
Lil nanme names? Not a chance. Knucklehead doesn't even have the courage to give us his own name. He just hides under a rock and spews garbage.
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