When you get stuck along Beach Road, better take the Middle Road. This is a website for those who choose to tread Saipan's off the beaten path. * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * +

Apr 5, 2007

Adam and Eva Air

Ahoy there!

Welcome to Saipan! Just recently, the entire Saipan government was ecstatic with the arrival of over 200 tourists or visitors from Taipei on board the charter flight of Eva Air, a Taiwanese Airline. Reports said that CNMI governor didn't actually sleep just to welcome the visitors Wednesday dawn. Shall we expect him to be on leave tomorrow? Yeah right, it's Good Friday.

Another reason of the CNMI economy why it opposes federal takeover of its immigration department. Dear god, let's not get into this discussion....

The Reveler


Marianas Eye said...

Enjoy reading your blog. Let's link!



Anonymous said...


Translate: saipanmiddleroad.blogspot.com


About this site

This site is the Saipan Middle Roaders' blog--the wannabes, the frustrated ones, and the repressed ones...

There are several thoughts that have been written on paper, online or on the walls of every NMI building's bathrooms.

This site is for the geeks, for the shameless bitches, and for the restless drunks.

This site is for everyone.


Posts on this weblog are entirely the authors' opinions and views only.