More people showed up at the Saturday job fair for foreign workers in the CNMI who want to work in construction jobs on Guam than those who joined the Sept. 17 CUC rally. People continued to come and go as early as 12 noon even though the registration was set to start at 1 pm.
Engineers, architects, masons, carpenters, technicians, electricians -- you name it...they all went there to register.
There's no guarantee they will land a job on Guam, but they're trying their luck.
Organizers of the job fair -- the United Workers Movement NMI -- will turn over their database and workers' biodata to the Guam Contractors Association.
They said the big crowd only shows times are hard here that skilled and highly qualified guest workers opt to go to Guam where wages are higher and more opportunities abound. Can't blame them.
While many of the workers who lined up are paid minimum wage here, there are those who have high salaries here but still wanted to try going to Guam.
We won't know the number of job seekers until the organizers complete registration until the end of this month.
This gives lie to the argument of si Ate Wendy Doromal that if long-term guest workers were granted Lawful Permanent Residence (“Green Cards”) most of them would remain in the CNMI because they have “put down roots” in the community.
Anyone -- guest worker, indigenous U.S. citizen, or transplanted U.S. citizen -- should do what is in the best financial and social interest of themselves and their family.
That includes moving to the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Guam, one's ancestral home nation, or numerous other countries that are welcoming permanent immigrants (Australia, Canada) or guest workers (dozens of Middle East nations).
Even the former CNMI House of Representatives legal counsel is headed to Iraq.
It's possible that some of these workers will go to guam but they would have to depart saipan and apply through the Philippines.
Secondly, the build up in Guam is going on through phases so that it does not impact the islands infrastructure meaning that there really isn't that much activity being constructed all at one time.
To this end the contract workers who are applying here would not be in great demand since the US citizens and FSM citizens who are in the apprenticeship program in the Community College all have to be considered first.
Were any American citizens signing up?
No wonder you did't sign this Noni
"This gives lie to the argument of si Ate Wendy Doromal that if long-term guest workers were granted Lawful Permanent Residence (“Green Cards”) most of them would remain in the CNMI because they have “put down roots” in the community".
I have always favored improved status both from a moral and economic perspective. Many CGW's would leave and others would choose to stay. There are no jobs here, young locals can not find work, so I suppose many are looking for work abroad, local citizens and foreign workers.
CGWs should be given the freedom to stay or seek work at their discretion.
The US can absorb our small numbers, their exodus would help alleviate our unemployment here, supply and demand will prevail, driving wages up, and more locals will benefit from working in our private sector.
Only the "chamber" mentality would want to force CGWs to stay here aqainst their wishes.
if there's a separate job fair for CNMI locals wanting to work on Guam, pretty sure there will be a long line too because virtually no new jobs are available here.
CGW's are leaving...let's sue the feds because this is bad for the economy...
getting rid of CGWs...isn't this what fitial and co. always wanted?
Thank you and Congrats to Irene Tantiado for the job fair. more power
To Anonymous
This gives lie to the argument of si Ate Wendy Doromal that if long-term guest workers were granted Lawful Permanent Residence (“Green Cards”) most of them would remain in the CNMI because they have “put down roots” in the community.
Workers have said they would remain as long as there are jobs and they are treated well. Who would stay in a place where there are no jobs, whether a citizen or green card holder?
Exactly. This was a wholly predictable consequence of federalization and increasing the minimum wage.
That is a good one. If you're thoughtful, it's deep.
oh my goodness.. i see a few of my coworkers in the photos.. i am going to report them to my boss.. maybe i can get a promotion..
These workers were so horrified at being 'treated like shit' that many of them have stayed on for 15 or 20 years.
That means they could have left 15 or 20 times at contract renewal time but chose to stay here instead. Do you think they stayed so they could be treated like shit some more?
Those that want to leave should certainly do so and the sooner the better. As Lil Hammerhead puts it "this would help local workers by making the private workplace more competitive." She is exactly right.
"oh my goodness.. i see a few of my coworkers in the photos.. i am going to report them to my boss.. maybe i can get a promotion.."
your boss is at the back, also waiting in line to submit his credentials for a Guam job.
Why? You can't get a promotion on the merits of your work?
these people obviously could give a rats ass about the cnmi , but they have no other choice , they should fight for their own rights in their own country & get the hell off of ours !!!!
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