When you get stuck along Beach Road, better take the Middle Road. This is a website for those who choose to tread Saipan's off the beaten path. * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * +

Mar 15, 2007

Optimism or naiveness?

The local papers carry stories of sham marriages every now and then. A guest worker marries a local only to get an IR status, in exchange for a fee, and they don't live in the same house nor see each other after the fake marriage.

a few years ago, i never thought such things happen here until i met a man who admitted to marrying a woman from here for the sole purpose of having an IR status (no kiss, no touch, a total mismatch). i could have gone to the police or immigration...but the optimist side of me thought maybe they'd learn to like each other so it won't be called a fraud after all.

and so far i havent seen his name in the papers or his face on TV arrested or charged with marriage fraud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

learned to love each other?... yeah right.
probably,... a 25 to 35 year old guy will learn to love a 70 or 80 year old woman.
of course the woman loves the guy... he pays her every month (from what he earns from his taxi), until he gets his green card.

Translate: saipanmiddleroad.blogspot.com


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This site is the Saipan Middle Roaders' blog--the wannabes, the frustrated ones, and the repressed ones...

There are several thoughts that have been written on paper, online or on the walls of every NMI building's bathrooms.

This site is for the geeks, for the shameless bitches, and for the restless drunks.

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