When you get stuck along Beach Road, better take the Middle Road. This is a website for those who choose to tread Saipan's off the beaten path. * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * +

Mar 20, 2007

A series of unfortunate events

The car got stuck.

Everybody's gone home. Nobody to drive me home.

I needed to hail a cab. But I only had $2 cash in my wallet. A check wouldn't do.

Called a friend. Already asleep.

Had to check the bag for coins. Found $4 (of coins), enough to pay for the taxi service.

No cooked food at home.

Midnight supper.


No bearable TV show.

Had to wake up early to ride with somebody to get to work.

Car needed repair.

Left car keys to auto mechanic.

Oooops, I gave the wrong keys. Couldn't open the house door.

Needed to ask somebody for a ride back to the auto shop.

Home, finally.


Anonymous said...

Lemony Snicket, is that you?

Anonymous said...

you should have called me weird elle. we'll have a nice dinner and i'd give you a ride home

Weird Elle said...

thank you for the offer.

Anonymous said...

weird elle, do you have your car tonight? if not, then give me a call, 2352015

Translate: saipanmiddleroad.blogspot.com


About this site

This site is the Saipan Middle Roaders' blog--the wannabes, the frustrated ones, and the repressed ones...

There are several thoughts that have been written on paper, online or on the walls of every NMI building's bathrooms.

This site is for the geeks, for the shameless bitches, and for the restless drunks.

This site is for everyone.


Posts on this weblog are entirely the authors' opinions and views only.